I decided to change the layout a little by making the actual posts part of the page wider. I didn't like how narrow the posting space was, it would actually start kicking my claustrophobia. I have my screen set at 1280x1024 and it looks good to me, I'm sorry for those of you who use a smaller resolution and may have to side scroll.
I also added a couple extra gadgets to the sidebar. You can now follow by email and there is a list of the top 5 posts of the month. I think I need to tweak the top 5 a little as it seems to take quite a bit of space, I might take out the post snippets and just leave it as image previews.
I removed the Commissions information that I had up on the "Contact and Commissions" page until I can actually nail down a fair pricing guide as well as commission types. You can still contact me by email about a commission and we can work out a price for your request.
I added a page for MY webcomics which I hope to be updating as soon as I figure out a script for the next strip.
I will also be doing some other modifications to my art uploads. I only have so much space to use and some of my files can be quite large so, I decided to replace some of my larger resolution images with smaller ones to bring down the storage usage and page load time. This won't require me to re-post anything since I only need to update the file server with the new files so, there won't be a flood of "new" posts with old works.
I am currently working on some more random sketches that have yet to be finished and some of the posted WIPs are still in the unfinished stage since I can't seem to decide which direction to go with them. I will be posting up some new WIPs soon, I think.
If you have read the webcomics I have posted here and enjoyed what few there were and would like to see more, please leave me a comment or even send me an email. My email address is on the contacts and commissions page. I have had a few ideas of what to do next in my strip but, never bothered to write them down or even try to sketch them out. If you would like to do a script for a strip or two, send me an email and we will discuss it, you will of course get the credit for the script and any character ideas that you come up with.
Please Note: I am talking about my web comics and not the Guest ones I did for Broken Icon, I took my time for mine, theirs was usually rushed since I only had 1 maybe 2 days to draw and color them.
I am thinking of creating a new blog just for the web comic if I can get enough of them put together to make it worth the space. I also need a good name for the series, I never bothered since they were mostly spontaneous and experimental. I did have a short story I had written several years ago that would make an awesome comic or webcomic but, I haven't been able to find it for years. I also thought about using my rpg sessions as scripts for strips but, remembering what happened is hard enough during the game much less afterward.
I think my new current project should be to script the next strip in my series so I can get back into the rhythm and style I was using and maybe make a better looking strip, eventually.
Thanks for listening to my rambling, this was originally only supposed to be an informational update about the layout changes.
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