This is a place for me to keep my artistic ventures a little more organized, in my own way. While the idea was originally for posting my art, I may be tempted to write an article or two here and there, a webcomic isn't completely out of the picture either. Comments are currently open to anyone, meaning you don't have to sign up for anything to leave a comment.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Name: Force
Occupation: Enforcer
Employer: "Mother"
Race: Corporeal Ethereal, aka Tangible Spirit
Lifespan: Unknown
Form: any or none.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Six Shooter Samurai from Broken Icon Comics
The art style is rough on purpose. Everyone goes for the finesse of the inked lines which these days feels mechanical. I like the step towards the "dirty" art style, it lets you know there is a real artist behind the lines.
Working with a pencil sketch also leaves room for colorists, like me, to work in more shading effects and move light sources around a little. Inked pieces are pretty strict about lighting and tweaking the shading means messing with someone else's work, which can sometimes lead to bad blood. Pencils are also easier to fade when necessary for adding depth or to give the illusion of being there but not being there. Making the lines darker is also an easy way to bring more prominence to the foreground or making certain details stand out over others.
I will admit that there are some drawbacks to pencil sketches, if you are coloring someone else's lines. Knowing where one object stops and another starts. Sometimes in a crowded piece it is difficult to tell which parts belong to which object or character.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Layout update
I also added a couple extra gadgets to the sidebar. You can now follow by email and there is a list of the top 5 posts of the month. I think I need to tweak the top 5 a little as it seems to take quite a bit of space, I might take out the post snippets and just leave it as image previews.
I removed the Commissions information that I had up on the "Contact and Commissions" page until I can actually nail down a fair pricing guide as well as commission types. You can still contact me by email about a commission and we can work out a price for your request.
I added a page for MY webcomics which I hope to be updating as soon as I figure out a script for the next strip.
I will also be doing some other modifications to my art uploads. I only have so much space to use and some of my files can be quite large so, I decided to replace some of my larger resolution images with smaller ones to bring down the storage usage and page load time. This won't require me to re-post anything since I only need to update the file server with the new files so, there won't be a flood of "new" posts with old works.
I am currently working on some more random sketches that have yet to be finished and some of the posted WIPs are still in the unfinished stage since I can't seem to decide which direction to go with them. I will be posting up some new WIPs soon, I think.
If you have read the webcomics I have posted here and enjoyed what few there were and would like to see more, please leave me a comment or even send me an email. My email address is on the contacts and commissions page. I have had a few ideas of what to do next in my strip but, never bothered to write them down or even try to sketch them out. If you would like to do a script for a strip or two, send me an email and we will discuss it, you will of course get the credit for the script and any character ideas that you come up with.
Please Note: I am talking about my web comics and not the Guest ones I did for Broken Icon, I took my time for mine, theirs was usually rushed since I only had 1 maybe 2 days to draw and color them.
I am thinking of creating a new blog just for the web comic if I can get enough of them put together to make it worth the space. I also need a good name for the series, I never bothered since they were mostly spontaneous and experimental. I did have a short story I had written several years ago that would make an awesome comic or webcomic but, I haven't been able to find it for years. I also thought about using my rpg sessions as scripts for strips but, remembering what happened is hard enough during the game much less afterward.
I think my new current project should be to script the next strip in my series so I can get back into the rhythm and style I was using and maybe make a better looking strip, eventually.
Thanks for listening to my rambling, this was originally only supposed to be an informational update about the layout changes.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Here is some more recent stuff
The first two are random poses
I was going for the look of a back flip or similar pose. Since the pose is pretty generic I can use it for pretty much any female character. could possibly use it for male characters but, that would require tweaking the base sketch so, I may as well make one just for them.
This was an attempt to draw a back flip style pose from a 3/4 angle and failed miserably but, it works for a ragdoll pose or carried unconscious/dead characters. This one would actually be easy to use as a unisex pose since the chest is the only area that needs any major tweaking.
This is just a quick random marker sketch in SAI, about 20 mins. I needed to clear my head and just do something without thinking about it too much. The only thought that went into this was "that line doesn't look good" *control-Z*. If I couldn't use undo to correct the look of the line then I left it and tried to fix it with "shading" which isn't in this piece on purpose. Anything that looks like shading is purely accidental or subconscious.
This is an Attempt at Ryvonne Draconis an OC that belongs to a friend of mine from Canada, she has played this character for as long as I've known her which is at least 10 years. I used the marker tool in SAI for this one too but, on a smaller setting. I plan to do a proper sketch of this character but first I have to get it to a repeatable state and then work on my wife's character so that they can actually have a "Family" pic, don't argue with a Malkavian.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Latest WIPs
Hopefully to make up for my lack of updates here is a few WIPs that I have done in the last couple days, actually one of them(profile) I just started this morning. I have been trying to sketch out some Original characters based off my characters from different RPGs that I have played, like AD&D, Shadowrun, V:tM, Werewolf, etc. and so forth.
These are also turning out to be great help in my anatomy practice although sometimes I will use a style that anatomy isn't really a requirement other than making sure appendages are attached in the right place.
Enjoy these few sketches and if you have any comments or suggestions, Feel free to leave them.
I'm not putting descriptions in on these since most of the changes between versions are pretty obvious. If I get around to actually finishing these the finished versions will be posted on my original art page and of course I will have a post on the front page saying they are done.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Current project
These are comparisons of the different stages so far.
The background isn't exactly permanent as the perspective is a bit off and I'm not sure I like the snake anyway.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
yadda yadda
All fun aside.
I joined a new art site this week which is still in beta testing and things there are going really well. The other users are pretty nice. I don't get to talk to everyone but, the ones that do decide to chat with everyone else have been nice. Most of my recent artwork has been uploaded to the new site and some of it will most likely find its way here. Like below.
This started as some random lines using the Marker tool in Sai.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Finished Commission
Unfortunately with all the art thieving that has been going on lately I decided to make a watermark for my stuff and decided to use smaller resolutions to make them a little harder to trace and what not. Not having lines in a colored piece helps deter tracing too since there aren't any real hard edges to follow, tracing a photo would be easier especially on a dark piece like this one and NO that ISN'T an invite to try. I'm not so full of myself that I think anyone would want to steal my stuff but, now days you never know.
Freddy and Nightmare on Elm Street are the property of Wes Craven and Some studio I can't remember which one. I prefer to credit the original creator of the character as to the studio anyway. I only take credit for the work done on this piece.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Commissions and requests
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Steam Punk Rogue: Colored
Off to find more adventures. I might actually end up doing physical labor this weekend so, possibly no new artwork until Monday or Tuesday.
New Line art
The inspirational reference pic is here
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Too tired for a title
I only ended up with a small sketch referencing the cover of Excalibur #43
This one is X-Man from The Age of Apocalypse: The Chosen pg.4
These will eventually end up on the original art page, if I keep this up I will have to make a separate page just for fanart.
Very sleepy for some reason so, I think I will leave you good people with the above and go get me some sleep.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Not exactly lazy
I went back to the good old days of bargain hunting for computers or components.
1. Check with banks and businesses that are getting new computers or upgrades. Many times you can get a pretty decent running machine for nothing, most times they "dumpster" the old ones anyway.
2. When getting a computer from a business or bank, don't expect to get a hard drive with it, unless their IT department sucks at their job. Buy a new HDD or use an old one.
3. Before plugging the tower up to anything, give it a thorough once over, make sure the inside of the case is clean and dust free and none of the wires are comprimised. Also check for RAM and audio/video components, most times these systems have onboard audio and video but, sometimes the tower is a custom job and the a/v is from addon cards and not on the motherboard. Be sure to take notes of the hardware, such as graphics chipset and audio chipset, if you know what you are looking at.
4. Add your hardrive and install an OS and drivers. Don't expect your OS to get the right drivers first time out, default drivers suck.
5. After everything is installed, use the system information utility that comes with whatever OS you installed and see if everything was identified correctly and to make sure the latest driver versions are installed. This is also a good time to make mental notes of the capabilities of the system such as, what software or games can it run.
NOTE: Even with namebrand systems like Dell, Acer, eMachines, etc. taking note of the audio and graphics chipsets or even the motherboard and processor is a good idea since many of them have different build options depending on the model. The notes will help when you go to the website to download drivers and support software.
I have aquired many systems in this manner and built quite a few getting components the same way.
Sometimes if you ask nicely the company IT guy might have some old spare parts laying aound the shop that haven't been tossed or repurposed yet, you might be able to get them for cheap or even free. This is a good way to get peripherals like keyboards, mice and even somtimes printers or scanners and even monitors.
If you go this route to get or build a computer, don't expect to be able to run the latest games or software without a little extra effort and most likely a little extra cash.
NOTE: Another good place to look for a decent system is at high schools and community colleges. Most times they have systems more capable of running the latest software and some games, and unless it is from the teachers lounge or admin office, you might get a hard drive with the tower. Again, when inquiring about old or unused computers or components, be nice.
If you don't find a system first time out don't be too discouraged, your timing may have been bad. Leave your name and a phone number and ask them to give you a call when they decide to get rid of their old systems.
Some places actually auction off their old or surplus computers which is also a good way to get a nice one if you have the cash for it, just remember not to bid more than you feel comfortable with.
Another important thing to remember is to not be too picky, I don't particularly care for Dell computers or Intel processors (which is what I am currently using) but, when it is free or really cheap I'm not going to complain. You might even end up with more than one computer if you're lucky and depending on component compatibility, you could frankenstein your own crazy creation(another something I have done many times).
Enough of the computer Mumbo Jumbo, I haven't done anything art related lately, as I haven't really had much morivation or inspiration to do so. I will eventually get aroud to getting something new drawn or colored and have it posted but, for now I will just be as random, off kilter, and unpredictable as usual.
... That is all for this special news bulletin...
We now return you to your regularly scheduled web surfing already in progress.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Futurama Fan Art: Leela
The request is from my wife again and the finished piece will be for my son who loves Futurama, we still aren't sure who his favorite character is just yet. I might end up drawing the entire cast just because I really like the show too.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Borderland Fan Art: Clap Trap
UPDATE: New Page
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Harley Inked
If you download, it is only to be used for coloring practice. The signature is not to be removed and all credits for the original line work must be given, a link back here to this post or my blog is also acceptable. If you upload your colored version back to the internet I would like to see it so leave me a link in a comment.
Disclaimer: Harley Quinn is the property of DC comics.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Back to priorities.
I have done a couple traditional sketches in the last couple days, they will be posted below. I have also started a new color project with a piece from J0kersWILD, all the base colors are done and just need to have details and effects added, I will post that one too.
I still don't have a new strip to post as I haven't been able to get passed the block, basically nothing interesting enough to draw about. I am hoping to eventually get back to it and get the strip running a little more consistently. I have been thinking about having friends write scripts for me so all I have to do is figure out how to draw the scenes. I might even be tempted to use anyone's script actually just so I have something to post. If anyone has any ideas leave a comment, I'm not sure if I have added a mailto link to the page yet, I'll check on that.
Anyway, on to the art.
I found some color pencils and wanted to give them a try. The hard part was getting a fleshtone since there wasn't one, I had to use a light rose and brown, and then lightly erase until it looked right. I'm surprised it turned out as good as it did since I haven't colored anything like that since before High School(for a time reference, I graduated in 1992).
I had no idea I was going to be drawing Harley Quinn when I started this one. I just sat down and started putting lines to paper, after I got the face half done I knew who I was drawing. After I realized who was going to be the subject of the drawing the rest was on purpose.
I know the proportions and anatomy are off but, that doesn't really bother me. I know I still need work with anatomy and proportion/perspective so, I'm not going to beat myself up over it.
This is a piece by j0kersWILD from Deviant Art. She said it was inspired by the House of Mouse episode "A Match Not Made in Heaven". This piece doesn't have the artists signature in it yet so I disabled the linking to a larger version.

Friday, May 6, 2011
Getting back to MY Basics
I have been in kind of a slump lately. I haven't been able to come up with a new strip for two weeks and it is annoying. I decided to get back to my roots in the digital world and installed BSD and Slackware through VMWare. I know you might be wondering what this has to do with making comic strips. I realized that since my strips were based partially off of actual events involving me and then just adding other characters to tell the story or to make it longer, I needed more inspiration to work with.
I have become too complacent with Windows and everything being "easy". I started my days of computer tinkering when the Tandy 1000 and Apple IIc were new models. I remember having to work a little to make programs do what you wanted, sometimes you had to be creative. I noticed that since Windows doesn't require you to work for anything I lost some of the creative spark that made me me. Unfortunately I can't completely do away with Windows since I do like to play games and graphics programs are a little easier to find.
I am writing this entry on a default program that ships with KDE4 on FreeBSD called Blogilo, it works pretty good so far and I already know beforehand that it won't handle media uploads so, all my media posts will have to be handled a little differently than usual or through firefox. I am just happy that I have a Unix structure to play in again. Unix is one of those things that makes you feel smarter just by association, it's a good learning environment too.
I am in the process of finding a good Photoshop like program for Unix/Linux and I am open to any suggestions. I like to use GIMP for graphics editing but, it doesn't respond well to my digital pad, I have no pressure sensitivity.
That's all for this entry, maybe more later. I might update more often now that I have my preferred working environment.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
Comic Strip: Facebook debacle
I might schedule the strip to one or two a week, especially if I keep using so many details in the color, I'm still working on that decision.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
The next strip will hopefully be at least a little funnier than the first few. I just started sketching it tonight so it might be another day or two while I work out all the details and get it colored and lettered. In the mean time I will show you what I was working on while contemplating this next adventure and I also took a screenshot of the first panel and will let you have a look at that too.
If you read my posts, you will remember a certain j0kersWILD from the post about awesome Deviant artists. The piece that had me occupied while I was hashing out the plot line for the next strip is one of her newest and the concept of the whole thing made me want to color it. If you want to check out the original line work you can find it HERE and her colored version HERE
As promised I will show you the first panel sketch for the next episode. I might leave the sketchy unfinished look in this "episode" as it seems to add more character, I will obviously make it look decent, I just like the look of irregular lines sometimes.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
All Hell Breaks Loose
I probably would have had this one up sometime on Monday if I hadn't been so easily distracted. Anyway, this is an introduction to two of my characters Alin and K-7. The Cthuloid is just something I threw in for fun, I like the works based on Lovecraft's Cthulu Mythos so I had to throw something in. Cthuloid may or may not be a recurring character, that is still undecided.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Giving in
I will eventually make a page to keep the strips on so they will be easier to find. New strips will still appear on the main page when they are first uploaded and then be moved. If anyone has any code ideas to make it so I don't have all the strips on one page I would be very grateful and so would anyone that has to wait for the page to load.
I will be updating the first comic, "How to Fix Windows Update", by putting it into an easier to read format. The long four panel strip doesn't exactly work well when the text is small.
Here is a sneak peak at some art in progress, this one might be up sometime tomorrow or the next day.
Be careful what you wish for
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Comic Strip: How to fix Windows Update
Friday, April 15, 2011
The last guest comic from me for a while
The final art version
The completely finished with text version
Thursday, April 14, 2011
BIC Guest Webcomic
These strips are fun but, I wouldn't want to do them full time, at least not with their release schedule. I agreed to do the strip as a fill in for the regular artist who has to be out for family matters but, I didn't know the release schedule was so tight. I thought it was just Wednesdays and Fridays, I had no idea that there was a Monday in there too.
Between the art, this blog and just trying to keep up with regular interests this last two weeks has been pretty rough. The strips have been pretty much all the practice I have had lately minus a few minutes that I used to try working out sketches for different angles. I am currently working on finishing up the last strip for this week as I write this, I needed a little break.
Have a look, click on strip for bigger version.
As always, Comments are welcome.
Old joke with a new Twist
Click the pic to see a more readable version.
Legal Stuff:
Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and Flash are all characters of DC Comics and I claim no rights to the actual characters just the drawing of those characters in a parody/joke style manner. The invisible man could be anyone from anywhere so copyright credits are difficult to give. This is for entertainment only please DO NOT reproduce this image, I mean come on the art really sucks in this one.
Comments are welcome.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
New sketch
The original image that I referenced was a younger Alice from Disney's version of the story which can be found here
I still need to do some work on it but, I will probably just end up redoing the sketch from scratch and try using one of my own characters instead. The whole idea was to get some practice with different views and angles. The fact that the reference pic still had the reference sketch lines in it helped me in the layout of my own sketch. I know the only difference is technically the face but, I still suck at drawing hair so I just referenced what was there, which still needs work in my sketch.
I don't have any formal training as far as art is concerned so, everything is self taught or picked up from watching others. I have bookmarks and hundreds of megs of files consisting of drawing tutorials ranging from american comics to Japanese Manga and pencil art for single pieces. I have plenty of material to work from, it is getting it from my head to the page that is the hard part.
I always cite my sources of reference if I can find them again, I sometimes forget to bookmark the link or copy it to notepad. Even if I can't find the original reference page I still list the reference source as best I can. I wouldn't want anyone to think I tried to steal their glory or anything. One thing that must be realized, while there are millions of facial combinations, the human body is only capable of so many poses. If a pose looks similar to something out there it is a good possibility that it was referenced since I don't trace work that belongs to anyone else. I have used a 3D program to pose a model and then outline trace that to make some quick sketches for game characters when I play RPG's. I haven't traced anyone's work since I was in high school and traced a few poses out of Family Circus for practice. Funny thing is I haven't actually drawn anything since high school which makes this whole art craze of mine about 20 years overdue.
I think that is enough bloggerific rambling one one night. Please comment or don't, it is your choice. Have fun and remember CITE YOUR SOURCES.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Just an off day
The one positive thing that did come out of that whole ordeal is I got some character ideas for my comic book. I only plan to use partial names instead of likenesses since I can't draw that well and I wouldn't want anyone coming down on me for likeness rights. I figure that Sheriff Waid and Deputy Sciver should be homage enough to this whole past couple weeks. It would also serve as an awesome inside joke to those in the community to share. I haven't even reached that far into the storyline yet so that is still a long ways off.
That reminds me that maybe I should actually try writing a partial script for my storyline. The way I'm working it out now is frame by frame. I sketch in the frame and let the story flow from one to the next and then hope that I can remember the dialog when I go back to add the text frames.
My current predicament has me at the next to last frame for a page, I know what I want in the frame but, I don't know how I want to represent it with the drawing. Most of the frames I have up to this point can pretty much tell the story for themselves with maybe a little bump from narration. I haven't gotten into any Dialog heavy situations yet but, after I figure out the one panel I am currently stuck on that will change. The sad part is that I am only on the 6th page with 2 panels left, which when finished will only be 18 panels. I am so in over my head but, that's life, if you aren't in over your head how do you know that you can really swim? I don't expect this comic to be finished any time soon if at all given how my life usually goes but, I am going to try even if it is the only one that I ever get done.
I guess that should be more than enough rambling for one day considering I didn't think I had anything to really post. Comments are always welcome.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
What am I currently working on?
Awesome Deviants from DA
There is no particular order for any of these artists as saying one is better than another just wouldn't be right, they are all amazing and some are still perfecting their craft. I will list links to the artist's DA profiles at the end.
First up is j0kersWILD, an awesome artist from Australia whose favorite character happens to be DC's Harley Quinn. I have colored many Joker and Harley pieces drawn by her in which the line work could make you cross-eyed at times with the level of detail. She has recently gone to drawing other fanarts including some Pokemon (mostly Team Rocket) and some Disney characters. If I remember correctly she is either still an art student or takes many art related courses to learn new techniques and work out her style. Her gallery is definitely worth taking a look at.
Next up is Deamond89 from Germany. I have several pieces of line work from this artist waiting to be colored. The nice thing about Deamond89's line work is the fact that it is labeled according to how difficult the piece will be to color. The pieces are also usually in a very large resolution that is murder on a low RAM system. Most of the gallery is in a manga style and based on Original characters but, there are some fanarts like Link from Legend of Zelda.
Next is JosephB222 from the US. This artist's gallery is very sci-fi based with fanarts from Star Wars and Mass Effect. A very talented artist with other line and finished fanart works including Futurama, GI Joe, several DC titles and other cartoon favorites like Kim Possible. His Sith Princesses gallery is very entertaining, the thought of Disney Princesses as light saber wielding Sith death machines, Awesome and well drawn.
Next is CallMePo, an artist from Canada. This is definitely a gallery to check out if you like the girls/women of DC. I will admit that not all of his pieces are viewable by everyone and I have colored a couple of his more mature rated line works. CallMePo is very talented in the art of Power Girl from DC, he also has a section of his gallery just for Kim Possible. Many of the pieces in his gallery are commission based but, he does have some line work that can be downloaded and colored.
Next is KidNotorious also know as Charles Holbert Jr. This artist gallery is very diverse, you can find works from Marvel as well as DC and many old and new Saturday morning cartoon favorites and Anime. His line work is very clean and easy to color, my biggest problem is the ink work is usually so well done that I don't want to mess it up by adding color.
There are still several other artists in my watch list that have amazing work but, these are the ones that update the most often and whose work I have the most experience with. Other artists in my watch list are photographers and photo-manipulators who do great work as well but, their works don't exactly fit the idea behind this post.
Galleries links in order of appearance
Saturday, April 9, 2011
My Comic Book Characters
In any case I have some concept sketches to share and maybe even a couple finished pages and some rough drafts of pages. I think this post will be mostly concept sketches and the others I will save for another post when the day is slow.
Friday, April 8, 2011
New pencils
The first test sketch with the new pencils.
I was actually trying out a new drawing style with this one and played with a little extra shading. Any resemblance to any copyrighted characters is purely accidental.
I like both of these. I know I left out some obvious shading but, oh well, it still turned out pretty decent.
I did this one in my sketchbook instead of on printer paper. I think I almost used 6 or 7 pencils on this one. I wanted to try using the shading to simulate fur.
Basically I am still learning things here and there. I am constantly trying new techniques and ideas.
Broken Icon Comics
You can check these guys out here. Here are some of the pieces I have done for them.
Covers for Panned! (colors only) Lines by Toni DaHora
Panned! #4
Panned! #5 Possible Variant
Panned! #5
Panned! #6
My guest strip for the site.
A little strip I did just to give the guys a good laugh.
This is just a random quick pencil sketch I did while they were at SPACE con in Columus, Oh. These could possibly work for any con actually.