This is a place for me to keep my artistic ventures a little more organized, in my own way. While the idea was originally for posting my art, I may be tempted to write an article or two here and there, a webcomic isn't completely out of the picture either. Comments are currently open to anyone, meaning you don't have to sign up for anything to leave a comment.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Futurama Fan Art: Leela
The request is from my wife again and the finished piece will be for my son who loves Futurama, we still aren't sure who his favorite character is just yet. I might end up drawing the entire cast just because I really like the show too.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Borderland Fan Art: Clap Trap
UPDATE: New Page
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Harley Inked
If you download, it is only to be used for coloring practice. The signature is not to be removed and all credits for the original line work must be given, a link back here to this post or my blog is also acceptable. If you upload your colored version back to the internet I would like to see it so leave me a link in a comment.
Disclaimer: Harley Quinn is the property of DC comics.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Back to priorities.
I have done a couple traditional sketches in the last couple days, they will be posted below. I have also started a new color project with a piece from J0kersWILD, all the base colors are done and just need to have details and effects added, I will post that one too.
I still don't have a new strip to post as I haven't been able to get passed the block, basically nothing interesting enough to draw about. I am hoping to eventually get back to it and get the strip running a little more consistently. I have been thinking about having friends write scripts for me so all I have to do is figure out how to draw the scenes. I might even be tempted to use anyone's script actually just so I have something to post. If anyone has any ideas leave a comment, I'm not sure if I have added a mailto link to the page yet, I'll check on that.
Anyway, on to the art.
I found some color pencils and wanted to give them a try. The hard part was getting a fleshtone since there wasn't one, I had to use a light rose and brown, and then lightly erase until it looked right. I'm surprised it turned out as good as it did since I haven't colored anything like that since before High School(for a time reference, I graduated in 1992).
I had no idea I was going to be drawing Harley Quinn when I started this one. I just sat down and started putting lines to paper, after I got the face half done I knew who I was drawing. After I realized who was going to be the subject of the drawing the rest was on purpose.
I know the proportions and anatomy are off but, that doesn't really bother me. I know I still need work with anatomy and proportion/perspective so, I'm not going to beat myself up over it.
This is a piece by j0kersWILD from Deviant Art. She said it was inspired by the House of Mouse episode "A Match Not Made in Heaven". This piece doesn't have the artists signature in it yet so I disabled the linking to a larger version.

Friday, May 6, 2011
Getting back to MY Basics
I have been in kind of a slump lately. I haven't been able to come up with a new strip for two weeks and it is annoying. I decided to get back to my roots in the digital world and installed BSD and Slackware through VMWare. I know you might be wondering what this has to do with making comic strips. I realized that since my strips were based partially off of actual events involving me and then just adding other characters to tell the story or to make it longer, I needed more inspiration to work with.
I have become too complacent with Windows and everything being "easy". I started my days of computer tinkering when the Tandy 1000 and Apple IIc were new models. I remember having to work a little to make programs do what you wanted, sometimes you had to be creative. I noticed that since Windows doesn't require you to work for anything I lost some of the creative spark that made me me. Unfortunately I can't completely do away with Windows since I do like to play games and graphics programs are a little easier to find.
I am writing this entry on a default program that ships with KDE4 on FreeBSD called Blogilo, it works pretty good so far and I already know beforehand that it won't handle media uploads so, all my media posts will have to be handled a little differently than usual or through firefox. I am just happy that I have a Unix structure to play in again. Unix is one of those things that makes you feel smarter just by association, it's a good learning environment too.
I am in the process of finding a good Photoshop like program for Unix/Linux and I am open to any suggestions. I like to use GIMP for graphics editing but, it doesn't respond well to my digital pad, I have no pressure sensitivity.
That's all for this entry, maybe more later. I might update more often now that I have my preferred working environment.